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Our electrical testing contractor are changing their name

The contractor who are responsible electrical testing our homes will become BES Group on 13th November.

It’s a regulatory requirement for us to ensure all homes have been electrical tested every five years and previously this has been done by Lantei. In November, they will become BES Group so if you are due an electrical test, or have recently been contacted to book your test, all future letters and communications will be re-branded to reflect their new name.

BES Group were previously the British Engineering Services Group and their heritage goes back 160 years. They are proud of their highly skilled and experienced staff who are well-trained to inspect and test our homes to keep our customers safe

These tests are extremely important to the safety of your home and your family, so if you are contacted by BES Group it is vital that you respond and book a slot as soon as possible. If you can no longer make the appointment, get in touch with them to arrange another appointment.

If you have any questions, please contact us.