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Customers have helped us save up to £10,000 a year

In 2016, our Customer Scrutiny Panel recommended that we should change our out of hours call centre provider in order to achieve better value for money.

Recommendation from the Scrutiny Panel:

“To undertake a tender process on Out of Hours to ensure Greatwell Homes is receiving value for money”.

In response to this, from the 4th February we will be changing to our provider to NPA 24:7 saving us up to £10,000 a year. Customers ringing us with emergencies out of office hours from this date should see minimal differences to the service and we will continue to work with NPA 24:7 to provide an efficient out of hours service.

Our Customer Scrutiny Panel has so far helped us improve a wide range of services including repairs, estates services and communications and customer care. If you’re interested in joining the Scrutiny Panel, or another panel, you can see more here.