Greatwell Homes has announced its rents will increase by 2.7% from April for a majority of its tenants. The annual review has been set in line with the Government’s rent setting policy and regulatory standards for social landlords.
From Monday 7 April 2025 the average weekly rent for a Greatwell Homes social and affordable rented property will increase from £107.49 per week to £110.39 (an average of £2.90 per week, charged over 52 weeks). For comparison, the average private rent in North Northamptonshire is £203.07 per week.
Greatwell Homes is a not-for-profit organisation that owns and manages more than 5,200 homes across Northamptonshire. In addition to our core landlord services, we provide a range of community and support services as part of our commitment to make a positive contribution to our customers and neighbourhoods.
The Government’s policy enables Greatwell Homes and all registered social landlords, to review our annual rent in line with the previous September’s Consumer Price Index (CPI), which for 2024 was 1.7%, plus 1%, as stipulated by the guidelines.
Jo Savage, Chief Executive at Greatwell Homes, said:
“We know that times continue to be tough right now and we don’t make these decisions lightly. As the cost of living continues to impact our customers, we too continue to experience increases in the costs of materials, labour and running our services. In some cases, these have increased by more than 20 per cent in the last year.
“As a not-for-profit landlord, we use our income to maintain our services and homes. As well as enhancing our existing homes, we’ll continue to invest in our communities through initiatives like the Your Great Spaces project and piloting ways to make our homes more energy efficient and improving our repairs and grounds maintenance services for all our customers. I would urge any customers who are worried about the increase to contact us as soon as possible to find out how we can help.”
Letters detailing the annual rent review for each customer, alongside frequently asked questions including available support, will be sent to all customers by the end of this week (28 February 2025).
Customers can also access information via our Make a payment page.