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Greatwell Homes chief executive joins Placeshapers’ board

Chief executive at Greatwell Homes, Jo Savage, has today been announced as one of the newest members of the board at Placeshapers.

Newly announced board members also include Donna Cezair (Worthing Homes), Charlie Norman (MSV Housing) and Matt Sugden (Railway Housing Association).

Jo Savage said: “Greatwell Homes partners with customers and communities to shape places people are proud to call ‘home’. That is why I am delighted to be appointed to the PlaceShapers board – to learn from others and to share from experience the positive impact place-shaping housing associations can have in the areas they work in.”

Placeshapers is a national network of community-focus housing organisations and as part of our Live Greatwell corporate plan, our commitment to placeshaping is reflected in our membership of Placeshapers. This means that we go beyond just building and providing homes to make sure that local communities also have the education, skills, jobs, health, wellbeing and other services they need to thrive.

Matthew Walker, PlaceShapers Chair and Chief Executive of Leeds Federated, said: “Individually Donna, Charlie, Jo and Matt are outstanding additions. Collectively their diversity in terms of type of organisation, commitment to the value of place-shaping and passion to make a difference will help drive us forward.

“They build on our ability to respond to the opportunities of a new government with a renewed focus on the value of a place-based approach to housing. All four are united in their determination to support social housing providers in their place-shaping ambitions and help their communities thrive.”