The Difference You’ve Made

What have our customers helped us improve this year?

300 customers regularly helped us improve services last year and from April 2022 to March 2023, together we made 20 improvements to our services as a result of customer feedback and the hard work of these customers. 

What you’ve helped us improve so far…

Click on the headings below for more information.

  • Made sure we achieve the regulatory requirements and have evidence to show that we are respectful to customers and work in partnership.
  • Reviewed the home improvements policy and requested changes to make it clearer for customers.
  • Approved community grants, including the school uniform re-use project, and Groundwork community organisation. 
  • Amended the expenses and rewards scheme for involved customers to make sure customers are rewarded in a way they value. 

Please contact Nikki Glazebrook – – about the Customer Assembly.

For organisations interested in applying for a community grant, please see these guidelines and contact Nikki: Greatwell Homes Community Grants Application and Guidance 2024_25

  • Aids and Adaptations Policy with the Customer Assembly
  • The yearly review of the Get Involved pages on the website
  • Mythbusters facts to dispell myths or assumptions that are not correct
  • ‘Inclusive’ meetings to make it easier to people to get involved – including a picnic meeting in the park with the kids

Please contact Lorraine Gibson – – about Together Greatwell.

In 2023, our customers scrutinised two separate services: the way we communicated and consulted with customers in our Independent Living schemes, and our shared ownership service. Here are the recommendations from these scrutiny reviews:

Communication and Consultation in Independent Living:

  • Create a project consultation guide with customers with specific focus on Independent Living. 
  • Support Services manager to attend residents meetings or consultation meetings.   
  • Carry out an audit on communication preferences.  
  • Consultation responses to be submitted privately and securely. 
  • Provide videos on how-to guides for reporting repairs, complaints, anti-social behaviour etc.

Shared Ownership:

  • Service charge letter to include cover page over the top of the mandatory information to make sure information is understandable.
  • Add Rent setting and Other Property Charges Policy to the website.
  • Welcome pack uploaded to customer portal. Customers to be consulted on contents.
  • Put all services available to Shared Ownership customers on the customer portal.
  • Add Shared Ownership customers to the customer newsletter distribution list.
  • Neighbourhood Housing Officer to complete a 6 week visit with each new Shared Ownership customer.

Please contact Gemma Ager – – about scrutiny.

We’ve carried out surveys with our informally involved customers this year, using their feedback to advise us on:

  • What you want to see in the community involvement newsletter – updates on scrutiny and the Customer Assembly, what community grants were awarded, the impact of customer assistance schemes.
  • The communal cleaning in blocks of flats – is window cleaning included? Can we provide it?
  • What you think our our new in-house gas servicing team 
  • How the Get Involved web pages can be improved – more photos, more customer stories, more detail on the ‘Difference You’ve Made page’

If you would like to receive surveys from us, we give shopping vouchers for your contribution – please contact

We get feedback from customers in a variety of ways on how we work and interact with you. Here are some of the changes we have made this year as a result of customer feedback: 

  • We have introduced a customer voice report to track what customers are saying to us across various channels such as complaints and compliments, neighbourhood walkabouts, customer involvement groups, satisfaction surveys, and feedback from events.
  • We invited suggestions from customers for involvement projects for the upcoming year, and customers help select which suggestions to put into action – you chose anti-social behaviour, gardens, repairs and the environment.
  • Following the survey about the Get Involved web pages we held a focus group for customers to help us make the changes.
  • We asked customers about the help they received from the customer assistance pot – customers were really happy, and we have recommended closer monitoring and more understanding of they types of financial difficulties customers have.
  • We asked residents of Burns Road what they would like for the green space that is currently unused. 
  • We asked customers that had made complaints about their experiences and how we could make the process better.



If you have any ideas that will help us make things better for customers,  get in touch or email 

Let’s work together to create happier healthier places to live.