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‘Pops of colour’ for six green spaces across Wellingborough

New flower beds have brightened up several green spaces within Wellingborough following suggestions from Greatwell Homes customers.

‘The Great Green project’ was launched in late 2023 in an aim to make a positive contribution to our neighbourhoods. Our customers were asked for suggestions on how to improve the appearance of green spaces within the town.

As a result, six areas were transformed either with new flower beds or renovating previously overgrown areas.

In one of the projects, the over-grown bank near to the local supermarket on Nest Farm Crescent and Hemmingwell Community and Skills Centre was transformed with bedding plants and wildflowers giving the area a boost of colour. On the day of the planting, we were joined by staff from BBC Radio Northampton and the neighbouring Cygnets Pre-School where the children helped with spreading the wildflower seeds.

Tracy Nicholls, manager of Cygnets Pre-School, said: “Cygnets have been located on the Hemmingwell Estate for over 20 years and being a Church community group we were delighted to be invited to take part in the planting scheme. The planting area is directly outside the pre-school and the children have been able to observe the changes that they have helped create, giving them a sense of pride in their local area.”9

Green areas on Kiln Way, Henshaw Road and Shakespeare Road were also planted with new bedding plants thanks to suggestions from tenants in those communities. One customer based near Henshaw Road donated a shrub that has been used in the flower bed area.

John Ross, head of housing and neighbourhoods, said: “This was a pilot project where we wanted our customers to steer what we do in our neighbourhoods and where. We received some great suggestions which has made some underused areas more attractive. Our Greatwell Places team will ensure these areas are clean and well maintained so that the flower beds thrive over the coming years.

“This project has led to a bigger-scale piece of work where budget is being specially designated for projects suggested by our customers and we’re currently in the process of starting some of those ideas over the coming months.”

The newly named ‘Your Great Spaces’ project has seen almost 100 suggestions from Greatwell Homes tenants to further improve the general areas where they live, not just specifically green spaces. Some of the upcoming works include vegetable patches and wildflower gardens, as well as CCTV to tackle fly tipping in a particular hotspot.