Our Customer Assembly panel is made up of a group of dedicated customers focused on working with us to improve the services that we provide most recently, they have been working to strengthen the links between our customers and Board to ensure that we listen and implement your views at the highest level.
What have the Customer Assembly achieved so far?
The panel have worked with us to produce and implement a Board recruitment process enabling customers with strong skills in community knowledge and understanding to apply for a position. We’re happy to announce that out of this process we have recruited a customer to our Board starting from September.
They have also been heavily involved in the recruitment and interview process of our new Chair of the Board and will continue to be involved in the rest of our Board recruitment throughout the year.
The Customer Assembly panel continues to sign off, and contribute towards, reports to our Leadership Team and Board that will have an impact on our customers. They also monitor our performance through initiatives such as mystery shoppers to ensure our staff members are adhering to our professional standards.
They have also worked with us to change the priorities of our community grants to make sure our most vulnerable customers have the support they need. This has led to in-home digital training and support programme and warm home checks for customers.
What’s happening in the future?
This panel are always working towards monitoring and improving our services further and later this year they will be heavily involved in working with us to develop the new Community Involvement Framework to be launched in April 2019.
The panel receive internal and external training to further improve their personal, and the panels, effectiveness and will continue to build on the good work started, as well as further strengthen the relationship between our customers and our Board, including attending our Board Stock Tour on 5thJuly 2018.
Thank you
The Customer Assembly panel have been working hard to ensure that the voice of the customers is being heard which will impact on all customers, and we want to thank them for their hard work and dedication.
If you want to participate in any customer panels, find more information here.